08/14/2022 TIME 02:08 PM – 04:01 PM
Deb Herberger: President, Incoming Communications
Nyambura Kihato: Vice President, Program Committee
Cathy Shepherd: Treasurer, Affiliate Com., Pres. Emeritus
Roger Rudow: Treasurer Committee
Peggy Sorrells: Incoming Communications, Library
Bruce Selvage: Affiliate Com., Writing and Editing Com.
Van Waddy: Writing and Editing Committee
Deborah Huntley: Program Committee
Barbara (Zee) Gilman: Program Committee, Affiliate Committee, Volunteer Committee
Bill Bridges: Website,Publicity, and Marketing, Books & Media
Liam Gowan: Publicity and Marketing
Kristine Rudow: Secretary; Volunteer Committee
Karen Hebert: CEU Coordinator
Mahshid Irvani: Hospitality
ABSENT (Bruce, Zee, Liam, Karen)
Nyambura presided over the August board meeting substituting for Deb. Opening remarks began with expression of concern for Deb and family. She called the meeting to order with the acceptance of the minutes.
Kristine reported on the minutes for June 05, 2022. Deb and Cathy made edits to the minutes and Van made a motion for approval and Roger seconded the motion. All board members approved the motion.
Deb sent out an email on August 8 with CJ’s finalized contract for the board to look over and e-vote before the August 14 meeting.The contract was approved by eight board and committee members.
CJ reported to this date that the Doug Tyler event had 47 people signed up for Zoom and 8 people have signed up in–person, not including board members. We have 7 board members who have volunteered to help for the in-person program and CJ anticipated a total 12 volunteers bringing the total attendance to 20 people for the in-person event, with only 8 persons so far in reserved tickets. The overall gross amount of tickets sold so far for Doug’s event was $720.00. The statistics of Lisa’s in-person event on Friday showed that 10 people signed up within 10 days of the event, and total attendance for the Friday lecture ended up with 24 people in attendance. He also commented that he usually has a few people switch from in-person to Zoom, but the people have to reach out to him personally, making the process not so easy. This will also help to determine how many people the committee members need to set up for. He thought it would be a good idea to send out reminders to the in-person ticket holders, prompting them to confirm their attendance to the in-person meeting, adding the advantages of using the library and ability to buy books and to state we look forward to seeing them. He stated that people will be able to register up to 5:00 PM on the day of the lecture.
It was decided that Bill will send out reminders both Friday August 19 and a final reminder sent out on Friday August 26th. Cathy suggested adding to the reminders that books are available for sale. Roger commented that it is good to keep the in-person lectures moving forward in hopes of getting people to return back to these events.
Doug has suggested the decision of mask wearing be considered at the time of lecture.
CJ reported on the registration of the last few lectures, Susan Swartz 109 – Matthew Stelzner 84 – Sam Kimbels 84 – Lisa Marchino 89 for the Friday lecture.
The present active members total 166 and are paid up into 2023.
The membership parameters have been changed from a calendar year to the date a member signs up. An automated notice will be sent out 5 days before the membership due date and a notice sent out when membership fees are overdue.
Roger asked if there was a monitoring report for how the website is used. CJ commented he has set up Google Analytics to moderate websites and to look at the traffic. He found people overwhelmingly land on the homepage, with the second most visited is the events tab on the website, with the average viewing time being less than 2 minutes. There is a drastic decrease with all the other pages on the website. Regular members bypass the homepage and go directly to the events page they have bookmarked. Links from other social media take people right to the event page. CJ will check into the areas people are coming from and said he would email out his findings. Bill stated that would help to target regions for ads on Facebook.
CJ commented that what will be different in the upcoming hybrid meeting will be a designated mike stand that stays on for asking questions to the speakers.
Cathy will bring the adhesive name tags. Roger and Kristine will help with check in. Jay will be available where needed.
Deb suggested 30 cents per mile that includes gas, plus other expenses.
A decision was made to move forward with a 30 cents per mile reimbursement for speakers. Cathy stated the need to get actual mileage driven to issue the reimbursement. Deborah commented they will send Doug and Mark an email that we will reimburse at 30 cents a mile and for them to keep up with mileage for the treasurer. The contracts will reflect the new rate in the future and the existing program speakers will be notified by email of the change to 30 cents per mile rate as the new reimbursement rate.
Nayambura made a motion to accept the 30 cent mile reimbursement for gas for speakers that are coming from out of town. Deborah seconded the motion and all members approved the motion.
Deborah reported on changes to the upcoming programs. Tom Cheetham and John Gentile will not be offering CEU’s and this will be noted in our emails and on the website.
Joe Chambray updated his title to Synchronicity, Complexity and the Psychoid Imagination and his workshop Recovering Wonder and Re-Enchanting the World.
Doug will be introduced by Pete Williams and Tom Cheetham will be introduced by Roger. Cathy states Rene LaStrange will help with speaker introductions depending on her availability. Cathy said she has other names for people who are available to introduce speakers. All remaining 2022 programs except for Tom Cheetham will be hybrid.
Cathy presented the YTD financial results through July. She noted that one check for CEU expenses was not yet included since it just went out, but all other expenses are essentially up to date in total. She also pointed out that income from membership dues receipts have increased due to the new system of not keying memberships to the calendar year end. Folks now register for a full year at a time regardless of when they sign up. Through July in total we have a gain of almost $4700 versus only $2200 last year. However, our investment fund is still down considerably for the year but has recovered somewhat in the last month or so. Roger estimated it has also improved so far in August due to the market continuing to comeback.
After discussion of the issues involved with on site sign up and membership renewal at hybrid meetings, it was generally decided that we need to ask CJ to look into and advise of the most efficient way to handle these using our iPads and Square.
Deb made a motion that membership fees remain as they are for 2022 and be reviewed in 2023. Roger seconded the motion and all members approved the motion.
The full financial report will be sent in a separate email at the same time the minutes are shared with board members.
Bill stated Google Docs is working well between him and the Program Committee; and he has the Constant Contact set up until September. He will be preparing social media materials for Tom Cheetham as soon as it has been received and reviewed by the program committee.
Deb will check with CDC on mask mandates for the Doug Tyler in-person event.
Bill will update posts for mask mandate on social media.
Liam sent video from Big Sky Montana and said that all went well with the video for Doug’s lecture. He requested any suggestion the group may have to offer and he wants to explore approved sources for Jungian quotes. Bill suggested a book on Jung quotes that he will share with Liam.
Tom Cheetham, John Gentile and Joe Chambray all agreed to do promo videos.
Deb questioned the continued use of the library video during lecture breaks and idea of using music instead. Nyambura expressed the video as being a very vital offering to membership as a perk. Roger suggested some speakers may want to use music and Bill brought up the copyright issues of broadcasting music. That it will be safer to use public domain music.
Peggy said most books have been reclaimed. The unillustrated Red Book has yet to be reclaimed and a discussion whether to replace the book back to the library and to allow it to be checked out.
Mashid states she has plenty of what she needs for hospitality, but reminds the board she has limited storage space and will determine the needs for hospitality by the program attendance.
Kristine remarked the volunteers committee needs time to see the future of the in-person programs before we can determine the needs for volunteers.
(CJ) need to explore archiving for treasury and minute etc.
(CJ) to look at simplifying registration for non-members and payment at the door.
Review of the membership fees will be reviewed and updated in 2023.
Luncheon for Joe Chambray and wife is planned for Saturday November 12 at 2:30 to include all board and committee members.
December 4th 2:00-4:00 PM
4:01 PM