Join the C.G. Jung Society of Atlanta

Membership is for the length of one year from the day you join.

What Membership Means for You . . .

Becoming a member of the Atlanta Jung Society offers you access to at least one third of the year’s monthly meetings, workshops and special lectures for free. The rest will be available to you at a reduced rate. In addition to that you receive free use of our extensive onsite library at The Link Counseling Center.

Becoming a member means meeting and engaging with like-minded people who are themselves on a journey, as well as expanding your interest in and knowledge of all the questions, musings, possibilities that were first proposed in the provocative mind of Carl Jung and similar giants of our shared history.

Special Offer:

The Atlanta Jung Society and the Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism (ARAS) are offering members of the Atlanta Jung Society a special rate for membership to ARAS this year. ARAS memberships include a library of over 1800 symbols and images, and their meanings, from all over the world and from all eras of human history. They also have a digital library that includes Jung’s collected works and publish a quarterly newsletter. Their rate is usually $100.00, but they are giving Atlanta Jung members a $25.00 rate for the year. Join today to receive the code for this amazing offer!
