DATE       Jan 29, 2023                      TIME  1-5:08pm


Board Members:

Bill Bridges: President, Publicity, and Marketing, Books & Media 

Cathy Shepherd: Treasurer, Affiliate Com., Pres. Emeritus  

Roger Rudow: Vice President, Treasurer Committee

Page Dickey: Secretary; CEU Continuing Education Committee

Peggy Sorrells: Incoming Communications, Library

Bruce Selvage: Affiliate Com., Writing and Editing Com. 

Van Waddy: Writing and Editing Committee

Deborah Huntley: Program Committee    

Barbara (Zee) Gilman: Program Committee, Affiliate Com.

Kristine Rudow: Program Committee  

Liam Gowan: Publicity and Marketing 

Deb Herberger: CEU Continuing Education Com, Pres. Emeritus

Karen Hebert: CEU Continuing Education Committee

Mahshid Irvani: Hospitality

ABSENT  (Deborah Huntley, Bruce Selvage, Karen Hebert, Mahshid Irvani )   



CJ Johnson, IT Administrator, Incoming Communications came to the board meeting for discussion of IT issues. 



 All members present drew  a card from Oracle d’OR to see where we might be going this year as a group. 



December 4, 2022 – edits made by Deb and Cathy.

Roger moved to accept,  Cathy seconded it.

All agreed, none opposed.   December Minutes were Unanimously Accepted 


Topics:   See Attached Agenda


CJ visited for IT/Incoming Communications issues:

Discussion ensued about whether to keep Vonage telephone line.  It is just a voice message.     It creates an email and CJ shared that everyone seems to leave a VM and then also send an email so work is duplicated. CJ-   If we are keeping it, most efficient is for CJ respond and then direct it to Peggy. 

Deb-What percentage of members are Luddites?  

 Cathy – we don’t get regular mail anymore.  Cost for Vonage is $29-$38. There are a couple people/Luddites  who just call Cathy.   

Page suggested Google Voice mail which has free option with VM that is also sent to owner of tel# by email.  

Bill/CJ agreed to explore this option.

Page moved to cancel Vonage, Liam seconded it,  Vote to cancel Vonage was passed unanimously. 

( 2/3/23: Roger spoke with the Secretary of State’s office and a phone is not required for a nonprofit or corporation.)


Clean up, IT set up & IT break down for in person programs – 

CJ brought up maybe we could have a set plan for the physical moving of the chairs.    CJ seeking to take down the AV equipment on his own.    Better for him to manage it to avoid any mishaps.    CJ uses his one cart to the elevator, 1.5hrs to set it up and 45-60 min to take everything down.   Awkwardness around how to help him.   

CJ agreed to focus on the cords at the front first as he breaks everything down so volunteers can get the chairs back up without interfering with CJ.     

Bill recommending as part of the planning for each event,  we designate two volunteers ahead of time to help set up and to help break down as part of the planning for each event.  

CJ will need to decide what if anything others can do for him.    Roger suggested CJ will think about whether he can train anyone.  

CJ stated he will focus on streamlining the process, maybe get bigger boxes.

Page – At what point do we need to consider expanding into a media team.  CJ – spoke about how there are different times  – at the very beginning of the event and at the end when there are a lot of things going on simultaneously.   How best can you take the experiences of what’s going on in the room and bring it to the online audience?  

CJ noted how many people bag out of coming in person at the last minute and request ZOOM invite instead.  Maybe solution is to raise the in person cap from 35-40.  

Zee inquired about how to explain it’s an “either or” attendance – Zoom link comes after. 

Deb – inquired about whether members of the CE committee could be trained to take over some of the ZOOM and in person duties.  

CJ shared about the hand holding that has to go on for the CE, the break, all the ins and outs of the Hybrid events. 

     CJ left meeting after IT issues & Incoming Communication issues were discussed and before Treasurer’s Report.


Treasury Committee Report: See hand out

Cathy shared three page break down of events, and monthly operating costs.     For example:  We don’t make money from in-person events especially when speakers have to travel. Travel costs of the speaker significantly decreases the amount we make.    

Approximately $600/mo of fixed costs – sometimes more if there is a  2 day workshop. 

$7904.31 profit this year.   Noted that before ZOOM we didn’t make this kind of money.   


 267 memberships – majority renew at the beginning of the year.  New members randomly join throughout the year.    Number of new memberships seem to come by level of interest in speakers.  For example:  At Hollis event we had more non members than members.   162 registered for Hollis,  113 on live Zoom meeting and some of those then join. 


Discussed whether to continue sending info to the GA Council of Churches – she would like to stop this $100 expense.

Liam suggested we’re not just targeting GA anymore.   

Roger – moved to drop it and Cathy seconded it,   The decision to drop the GA Council of Churches expense was  Unanimously accepted.


Cathy brought up this is the time of year to donate to the Link 

– Roger suggested $500/yr.  

  Cathy moved to do this and Roger seconded it.  The decision to donate $500/yr to the Link was Unanimously accepted. 


Deb inquired about whether we want to make a donation to Philemon.   Last year we did it in Hollis’s honor and when Jutta Von Buchholtz died.    Bill inquired about whether we might gain access to something by making a donation.  Cathy to check and report back.


Cathy -We need someplace to store our digital financial records (Articles of incorporation, bylaws, financial statements Get Roger to send all the things we need to include for storage)

 – Our CPA recommended Box which costs $300/yr.   Fidelity offers Vault.   Roger to look into whether N GA offers anything comparable at lower cost.  


Cathy did speak to ARAS and they are interested in taking some of our tapes into their Jungian library.   They want to just start with ten – Woodman,  Bly,  ones with Jung on them.     Cathy asking for help in looking through these to determine which ones.  Bill offered to help.   The board agreed to send ARAS 10 and see what they accept from us. 

ARAS offers $25 memberships (instead of $100) if you’re a Jung Society member.


Cathy offered to send specific info needed after events that might help us decide whether we want to do more in person or online meetings.   

Cathy needs to know what kind of info/data we want after each event.   

Bill and Zee agreed that data right after the program would be helpful.    It was suggested Treasurer send out a document that could be added to/edited and which includes the past events as well.   Maybe later put it into a Google Doc.


CE Committee 

 – After Karen resigned, Page, Deb and Karen met to discuss establishing a committee to spread out the burden of applying for CEUs.   It was noted that the number of events with CEUs we offer increased this past year.  Also, having more advance notice decreases stress of CE applications.   

It takes 4 weeks to apply and learn whether CEUs are in place.   Registration occurs 4 weeks in advance so new timeframe of 8 weeks requested to avoid having to refund CEU registration money in case CEUS don’t go through.  

Deb shared about the energy of the committee and their ideas about how to make CEUs even more revenue generating by including Asynchronous events on our website.       As a result, Deb suggested all members of the CE committee receive CEUs free per year.

Cathy shared about the history of the organization not offering compensation.   

Much discussion ensued about what the difference between paying for volunteer efforts vs. compensation by eliminating costs and what precedent offering free CEUs/year might start.  

Bill shared as President that he is not opposed to compensation for volunteers who are wanting it for their efforts like free membership, books at reduced rates, etc.   

Cathy motioned to pay CEU costs for the one person applying for the CEUs (instead of all three CE committee members), Van seconded it.   The decision to make CEU cost free  for the person applying for CEUs passed save one abstention. 


Program Committee 

– Zee presented save the dates for upcoming events.  See Handout.

Discussion ensued about how much advance notice we need to be able to put on a workshop.   It was suggested 3-4mos in advance.   

Zee shared about different dynamics at play in lining up speakers and letting lecturers decide when they can offer CEUs.

Discussion about when to have workshops.   Having more local speakers, time of year may factor in as people travel in the summer so maybe schedule less popular events in the summer.    With Zoom events, this wouldn’t matter anymore.    

Wanting to space out the workshops.  

Working on plugging in Jenny Yates – 

How many in person lectures do we want?  There is a case to be made that we get to know people, gain volunteers even if it costs money.

Suggested one per quarter – or 3 times a year

This year we’ll take what we can.

Our goal is to have six(6) events/year in person.  Bill suggested other kinds of gatherings  like a post event discussion, Watch parties  to incentivize people coming.  

Saffron Rossi – prefer to have her offer a lecture only,  suggest one on how Jung became involved in Astrology.  Jung and Astrology maybe. 

Discussion ensued about whether we could create the Soul Night as outlined by Kristine for the Washington Jung Society.

Members suggested we practice one with just the board before opening it up to the public in December.   


Introductions for upcoming Speakers: 

Deb volunteered to introduce Catherine

Bill volunteered to introduce Rebecca and Ipek

Liam volunteered to introduce Tina Stromstead.


Bill brought up possibility of having weekly classes on Jungian Concepts.  Recordings of some of those classes could then be made available year round on the website.   Perhaps for a small fee?

Bill talked about hosting a zoom session after the presentation – Bill wanting to know who would like to host a discussion.    Maybe Karen Hebert?      



-Liam reported he is working on getting recordings of next speaker in timely manner to have on line.   Bill suggested to Liam  – Boosting of an event – Will email it to Liam to target other areas, before each event for different parts of the country.



– Bill suggested a spring cleaning sale again in April/May like the last one in Dec 2022.



– Peggy called or emailed people with outstanding books that need to be returned.   Cathy was there to put books back.   They found three people who still have their checked out books.   


Community Corner

 – Still trying to generate discussion.    What other ways can we generate discussion?   Wondering about FB and Instagram.   Seeking guidance from Bill and Liam.   Liam suggested a FB group for discussion.  We’d love to hear what you thought about it.   Invite them to Atlanta Jung Society FB.   

Liam’s posting from the Red Book got more feedback.

Liam suggesting Modern Man quotes again.   Bill will offer some quotes.  Liam requested to be prompted after Feb 10th.  


Next Board Meeting will be May 7, 2023.   Will aim for an in person meeting at The Link.   Cathy offered her home again if Link is not available. 


Meeting adjourned at 1/29/23 at  5:08pm