Executive Board Meeting Agenda
December 1, 2024, 1:30pm to 4:30pm
At The Link Counseling Center, in the library
Board Members:
Bill Bridges: President, Publicity and Marketing, Books & Media
Cathy Shepherd: Treasurer, Pres. Emeritus
Roger Rudow: Vice President, Treasurer Committee (incoming Pres.)
Page Dickey: Secretary
Van Waddy: Writing and Editing Committee, Com. Corner
Deborah Huntley: Program Committee
Barbara (Zee) Gilman: Program Committee, Hospitality
Kristine Rudow: Program Committee
Laura Knox: CEs
Liam Gowan: Publicity and Marketing (incoming V.P.)
Mahshid Irvani: Hospitality
Geetha Naidu: Incoming Secretary
President’s Opening — Bill
A final faerie from Brian Froud’s Faeries’ Oracle. We’ll draw a card and find out which faerie will usher us into the new year.
Faerie that kisses Pixies.
The feeling of giving love makes us feel good.
Committee Reports
Presentation and Acceptance of August 2024 Minutes — Page
Zee made motion to accept minutes, Bill seconded them and it was accepted unanimously.
Treasury Report — Cathy
Roger reported funding was distributed to the two candidates that qualify so far. Both are very impressive. One is from West GA College. We gave $2,000 each.. We anticipate a third person qualifying early next year. We are targeting disbursement each September to coincide with the InterRegional’s academic cycle. Folks at the Memphis-Atlanta Inter regional are very thankful. Roger suggested 5% of our funds per year as a sustainable amount to give,
Discussed long dry spell of candidates so we want to ensure we’ll be able to financially support these two and possibly a third in the new year.
Cathy shared the opportunity to donate ARAS through Amazon. Bill offered to look into becoming a designated non profit for Amazon as well.
Total in checking account: 26,439.08
Also approx $65K in North GA Community Investment Account
Approval to give $100 donation to the Ethel Ware Church newsletter.
Last year donations: we gave $1000 to The Link, $500 to ARAS and $500 to Philemon.
Discussion about availability at The Link due to Gene Bridges health and loss of his wife. Confusion about the future due to road construction. This may impact programming. The Link is not wanting to offer us more than a 6 mos commitment at a time for events.
Laura now has a key and may become the contact person going forward. Laura offered to speak with Stewart and Janet about our need to build out for a year.
Roger recommended giving donation after the beginning of the next year.
All in favor to donate $1000 to The Link
$250 to ARAS and
$250 to Philemon.
IT/Admin Report — Cathy (for CJ)
- Discussed raising CJ’s pay rate to match what he charges his other clients. Also, a year-end bonus. His income decreased this year because we had fewer events.
- Roger proposed $50/hr for in person event work -bringing in equipment and holding the in person events. $40/hour for all other services ( Admin, Zoom)
- Also unanimously voted to give CJ a $400 year end bonus.
CE Committee — Laura
Had some difficulty with Rich Ryan, but all is on track.
Karen Hebert will be introducing him.
Program Committee Report — Deborah, Zee, Kristine
See program spreadsheet in “Sheets” from Kristine.
Discussion about Saturday 3hr workshops still liking.
Zee shared that the PC offers each speaker a link to our website’s announcement of their program so the speaker can post to their website and mailing list.
Perhaps a Sunday workshop in the summer. We may not be able to finalize it until early in the next year due to The Link.
Page will get name of the local Enneagram community to explore whether we might be able to host a joint event or share speakers.
We need people to introduce:
Joanne Halverson – January – Black Madonna. Kristine volunteered to introduce her.
Judy Zappacoasta – February – Cathy volunteered to introduce her.
Renee Cunningham – March – Forgiveness – Laura volunteered to introduce.
James Hollis – April – Geetha volunteered to introduce him.
We’ll revisit introductions in the New Year.
Promotion and Marketing — Bill, Liam
- Discuss a “task force” committee to figure out what we want to do with a simplified website redesign. Geetha volunteered to be a part of this committee. Page, Liam, Bill volunteered for this committee. (Geetha will send me her ideas. Running campaigns where people share their experience with our site. Will reach out to Liam for his input.
- Linking a newsletter on the website was an idea for the website.
- Be able to gift the cost of an event on our website so someone could invite family or friends.
- There are some licensing limitations with current website.
- Topic: How can we bring in new members now that we are not just strictly local (we have online attendees from all over)? Roger brought up possibility of having a non local membership. Possibly highlight more on the website about how many events you’ll get admission to free. Agreed to have CJ or the president verbalize the benefits of membership at each event. Marshid suggested perhaps a brief video to show the benefits. Bill suggested 20% off membership because it’s Carl Jung’s birthday.
- Laura suggested replicating what this Occult bookshop in CO that offers asynchronous videos of programs they offered. Bill reminded us that the plug in is broken.
Books — Bill
With so few in person events, it doesn’t really make sense for us to sell anymore.
Once we sell what we have, we will stop. If we have presenters coming who want to sell their books, we’ll offer that.
Library — Cathy shared a book donated to us.
OCEAN BENEATH THE SEA by Morgan Wolfgang Lake
We had only one person come in since we advertised our library.
Cathy is waiting on The Link to clean out their closet to be able to get three shelves worth of books. Geetha will explore whether Lagrange college would like to accept donations from the library.
Community Corner — Van
- We need a newsletter committee to produce the next newsletter. Last one was October 15, 2024.
- Our website is not friendly. Instead of a Community Corner, perhaps we can focus on the Newsletter. Geetha volunteered to work with Bill on this. Cathy and Van also offered to support this committee.
- Discussion of what we want to have in the newsletter. How to build a sense of community? Cathy offered a Jungian quote and an image which will draw younger generations in. Perhaps two new books. CJ was able to show that the last newsletter was read. Kristine suggested something about Halverson’s unique lifestyle.
- Tips on how to deal with tension. Perhaps have an analyst come on to talk about their experiences.
- Zodiac sign discussion. Or something connected to the time of year. Movie reviews, Jungian stuff seen out in the culture. Stephen King book that included the title of a non existent book with Jung in the title.
- Perhaps have Karen Hebert write about sound therapy she’s using.
- Have Laura write about dream work she’s doing.
Other Topics
- Topic: “Retirement benefits” for retiring longterm board members. How do we want to handle dues and program fees for them? Honorary “emeritus” board members? Discussion about how to honor Deb Herberger who has 20 yrs experience. Board voted to give her free Emeritus Membership for all future events.
- Planning for January meeting. Possible group Escape/Mystery room. There is one at the Braves stadium and one at Stone Mountain.
Wrap Up
Next board meeting will be Sunday, Jan 26, 2024.
Maybe have the meeting first and then brunch and Escape Room.
CJ and Deb want to coordinate the Escape Room.
The election for the slate of officers nominated for the 2025 board was held 11/15 – 11/25 via email voting by the Society’s members. The results were as follows:
40 Yays and no Nays. The new board is:
Roger Rudow – President
6151 Forest Hills Dr
Peachtree Corners GA 30092
Liam Gowan – Vice President
20 Terminus Place
Atlanta GA 30305
Geetha Naidu – Secretary
902 North Park Lane
Milton, GA 30004
Certified by –
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Page Dickey Date
2024 Secretary