Executive Board Meeting Agenda
August 6, 1pm to 4:30pm – at the Link
Board Members:
Bill Bridges: President, Publicity, and Marketing, Books & Media
Cathy Shepherd: Treasurer, Affiliate Com., Pres. Emeritus
Roger Rudow: Vice President, Treasurer Committee
Page Dickey: Secretary; CEU Continuing Education Committee
Peggy Sorrells: Incoming Communications, Library
Bruce Selvage: Affiliate Com., Writing and Editing Com.
Van Waddy: Writing and Editing Committee
Deborah Huntley: Program Committee
Barbara (Zee) Gilman: Program Committee, Affiliate Com.
Kristine Rudow: Program Committee
Liam Gowan: Publicity and Marketing
Deb Herberger: CEU Continuing Education Com, Pres. Emeritus
Karen Hebert: CEU Continuing Education Committee
Mahshid Irvani: Hospitality
ABSENT (Deborah Huntley, Bruce Selvage, Karen Hebert, Mahshid Irvani )
Tarot cards drawn to see where we are so far this year as a group.
President’s Opening
Happy 148th birthday, Carl Jung! (July 26) Forever Jung!
Bill presented the results of a tarot reading that he drew the morning of the meeting.
Three major arcana – Major transformation coming. Being called to the body, the image. Sun, Tower – fire signs, -playfulness, center
High Priestess – the Kore Archetype -Triple Goddess, The Mystery, Duality, most water of water, Very unconscious right now. So much is still to be revealed. We need to be adaptable, talking to others, and surveying. HP – transcending consciousness, allowing yourself to be taken up. More going with the flow, veiled. Highest initiation – images, higher than thoughts. Movement of awareness filters out from the person to the collective. Tikkun – restoration of the broken world. Go back to the image.
Getting a different perspective on the Jung society – inter generational perspective. We’re moving from thinking to feeling, from doing to being.
May 2023 meeting – edits made by Deb and Cathy.
Roger moved to accept, Cathy seconded it.
All agreed, none opposed. May Minutes were Unanimously Accepted
Committee Reports
Presentation and Acceptance of Last Meeting’s Minutes — Page
Treasury Report — Cathy
Presented costs, profit from June and July
Roger presented no change in checking account from Jan-July – breaking even – $28,000. We’re ahead $6000 for the year up to July. We bought a CD at 4.6% – $17,000. It’s easier to move money now. Still looking into having 10yrs records.
Discussion on taxes. CJ has access to Stripe. CPA has Quickbooks.
IT/Admin Report — Cathy (for CJ)
CJ is already getting booked for next year. Has the third weekend held for us.
Is requesting any different dates as soon as possible.
CE Committee — Deb, Page
Thank you to VAn for building solid relationship.
Still getting used to learning to submit.
Seeking assistance with CEU committee in the future.
Promotion and Marketing — Bill
Publicity discussion: Anybody got any good ideas for how we can promote our events better?
Liam with help from Mashid is posting on Instagram.
We’re back on the Church mail list.
Cathy is speaking with Steve Buser from Chiron about getting us on there.
FB – Bill – can’t really tell how much the FB boosts are working. Bill may ask CJ about whether he can track that – And to figure out how to poll attendees about what their interest is for future events. – Maybe post one during the break.
Bill is working with another group on how best to promote events – Decaturish. Kristine shared about what is coming out in Peachtree Corners newsletter.
Cathy – would like to access the universities. GA State, Emory – Whitehall, Film festivals, Cinafest
Gaming community? –
New documentary about Dungeons and Dragons – connection to mythology and gaming. Younger people are interested in this world. Perhaps getting Will from Myths Salon from Pacifica – maybe get him as a speaker.
Cathy sent link to the president of the Nashville group and Nashville President sent it out to her members. Cathy sent invitation out to all who attended the original gun violence presentation. Twenty-eight participants (28) attended the Gun Presentation after event discussion from CO, TN, WA. Nashville, Boulder Jung Societies. They plan to meet again Are looking to find a symbol/ image that will speak to each of us on a local level.
Roger -Not just for youth. – worth remembering it’s the second half of life when people are more open to archetypal language. Mythology and Joseph Campbell
Books — Bill – Asked about whether Mitch Cohen (Dec) might have a book he’d like to have on hand for this in person event.
Perhaps some Kabbalah books.
Library — Cathy, Peggy –
Two speakers donated . Deborah explained it’s part of the contract.
Sherry King – A Process Spirituality
Jenny Yates- Jung on Death and Immortality.
Suggested having CJ maybe include a one line – ticker tape sign about new books whenever we send out an email about presentations.
Community Corner — Van, Deb
Asking for creative ideas in local communities to address gun violence post discussion. Started thinking about how to get people to send images on the Community Corner. Maybe have them send via text or email.
Gun violence, climate change – hot topics. Perhaps create excitement.
Perhaps social media may be easier.
Bill will perhaps talk to CJ about how to make Community Corner more accessible.
Most folks go only to the Events page on our website.
Maybe talk with John who built the initial website.
Program Committee Report — Deborah, Zee, Kristine
October – Pete Wlliams, November- Linda Carter , December – Mitch
All will be Hybrid events – on-line and in person.
Next year’s programs: Let’s discuss.
Van to introduce Ann Ulanov-Sept
Cathy available to introduce Pete Williams – October (He was introduced by on-line participant.
Page to introduce Linda Carter- November
Who will introduce Mitch?
Roger brought up whether we want to switch in person to zoom events.
Cathy to talk with CJ about how easy that would be to switch. – Sound might be better if it’s on ZOOM.
Deborah from Prog Comm will ask Pete.
Bill will not be able to make Ann Ulanov – September event. Roger agreed to act as host in Bill’s absence.
August and September are ZOOM only.
Will see whether September – Saturday Zoom event is well attended.
Kristine suggested experimenting with shorter workshops on Saturday. It is a challenge to be online and to host in person events.
Wanting to re-examine whether we want to do so many lecture +workshops events.
Maybe do one in person per quarter. – Maybe doing two or three in person only vs. more. Discussion about whether speaker needs to do lecture + workshop. Maybe focus on Jan and Feb – as zooms only
Request to have Program Committee members feel out what speakers are available for March and April (lecture workshop for one of these) – We don’t want to hold Program Committee up. Maybe see who is available for in person in the spring.
So far 3 are zooms only.
No in person for Jan, Feb – Consider zoom only for June-August – since people are on vacation.
Asking for in person body work, dream interpretation presentations.
Other societies have Meet ups for books. They also offer classes.
Last year – Cathy reported they had a class with the Sarasota Society.
- Cathy and Bill will talk about what other Jung societies are doing and what we might be able to copy (and not). Presidents spoke about trend to be able to send out basic Jungian concepts. Perhaps we can get perennial content that we can continue to rent on our website. Apparently licensing issues.
- Let’s avoid scheduling successive in-person meetings (one right after another). Consider only one in-person per quarter?
- We’d like to make the recording of Pete’s intro to Jung (Oct) talk available full-time to members. Have we cleared this with Pete? – yes Cathy and Deborah cleared it with him.
Other Topics
- Cathy and Deb will talk about how the discussion on gun violence went – see above.
- Do we need a website redesign? People only click on the current event. Perhaps see what CJ says about how to make Community Corner more user friendly.
- How to have volunteers to host post presentation discussions. We don’t need CJ for these. This event did not include the speaker so it was more of a community event. -Unlike Rebecca and Ipek’s event earlier in this year. Planning to continue more zoom discussions about the gun topic.
- Bruce has resigned from the board due to just having too much going on. Does anyone have a recommendation for someone who can join the board and who is available to help at in-person events and is a possible candidate for an officer position eventually?
- Karen Hebert is also moving off the board.
- Anybody have other topics to bring up? – Ask the officers to continue for another year. Kristine has agreed to stay on the Nominating committee and We’ll ask Zee and maybe Liam to come up with other folks.
Date for the next board meeting is late October 29th – Sunday, Bill asked Roger to run it since he has a conflict. 1:30-4:30pm at the Link
Has anybody seen a UAP lately? Alert your local congressperson!
Wrap Up
How is everybody’s Oracle D’Or card ripening?