12/04/2022 Time 2:12 PM – 4:31 PM
Deb Herberger: President, Incoming Communications
Cathy Shepherd: Treasurer, Affiliate Com., Pres. Emeritus
Roger Rudow: Treasurer Committee
Peggy Sorrells: Incoming Communications, Library
Bruce Selvage: Affiliate Com., Writing and Editing Com.
Van Waddy: Writing and Editing Committee
Deborah Huntley: Program Committee
Barbara (Zee) Gilman: Program Committee, Affiliate Committee, Volunteer Committee
Bill Bridges: Website, Publicity, and Marketing, Books & Media
Liam Gowan: Publicity and Marketing
Kristine Rudow: Secretary; Volunteer Committee
Karen Hebert: CEU Coordinator
Mahshid Irvani: Hospitality
ABSENT (Mahshid, Peggy, and Karen)
Deb introduced Page Dickey, as the upcoming secretary and she was welcomed by our president, board members and committee members. Deb stated that Page may get CJ to help her navigate the archives and Google Docs in preparation for her secretarial position.
Closing the year, preparing for 2023, Deb brought questions for consideration for 2023.
- Do new guidelines need to be established to honor speaker and IT contracts, while also being able to modify program formats if health, safety or other issues should arise closer to time of the event. Can we honor CJ’s contract which calls for giving him at least 6 mos notice on event scheduling?
- For in-person events is there a need to offer more available seating options,
as well as comfortable seating? Should we reconsider the limitations of our seating? Could The Link offer a bigger room?
- Program committee is requesting in this meeting that the board vote on and decide how many In-person events, both lecture only and lecture / workshop will be held in 2023.
- Continuing education: Deb proposed the idea of forming a CEU Committee instead of one person being overburdened with the role of CE Coordinator. There is a member who has agreed to meet with Karen Herbert and Deb Herberger to discuss further the possibility of forming a CE Committee.
Will we continue to offer CEUs at every event? The plan will be for the Program Committee with the Speakers and the CEU Committee will all have input into which events will offer CE.
Deb will inform Bill and the board of further development of the CEU proposal.
Kristine reported on the minutes for 08/14/200 2022 and for the Membership Business Meeting during the 11/11/2022 program . Deb and Cathy made edits to the 8/14/2022 minutes and Deb and Kristine made edits to the 11/11/2022 Membership Business Meeting. Deb made a motion for approval and Cathy seconded the motion. All board members approved the motion.
Cathy reported on the Chambray lecture and workshop – See the last pages of the minutes for details. Please note this recap is for the lecture/workshop (November 11th and 12th) and does not include regular monthly operating expenses. Cathy stated we broke even with this program. ( Cathy mentioned The Link was interested in a future collaboration with Joe Cambray). The end of year treasury report will be presented in the upcoming board meeting. Roger stated that our investment funds have improved with the market recoveries and that our savings account is roughly down 15% for the year. He will continue to monitor the account.
Cathy stated by the end of October we had income of $24,000.00 on programs with costs roughly at $20,000.00. For more details please look back at previous minutes. There will be an end of year report coming with the last program totals included. She also states that Zoom and cheap rent charged by The Link help to keep us in the black.
Cathy reported that programs offered with CEUs are the most well attended.
With the January program Connie Zweig being the biggest and the November program Joe Chambray workshop being the smallest. The June Matthew Stelzner program had the most drop offs and the July Susan Schwartz program had the most complaints primarily for lacking in substance.
(Please see the last pages of the minutes for details of 2022 Programs. )
For the December program CJ requested that board members planning to attend and “do not” need CEUs to just email him. And if you need CEUs for in-person meetings, then you need to register for them; and, if you are doing Zoom, you will need to register.
Mark’s flight arrives Friday night and leaves Sunday morning 8 AM. Mark was agreeable with using Uber or Lyft upon his arrival and his return. He will provide receipts for reimbursement for his costs including only one night at the hotel. Volunteers are in place for the Winborn program. Bill agreed to do books.
Bill will follow up on the Jung T-shirts sale which MItch is providing. Mitch has requested that emails be sent to all society members with pictures of the shirts and with Mitch’s email address. And from there all direct sales will be handled by Mitch. Atlanta Jung Society will receive a donation from the sales.
Bill also suggested we take the opportunity to move books at a discounted rate during this program. Deb and Cathy mentioned having crates of CDs, DVDs, and other items they could give away with the sale of books.
CJ prefers that we not participate in helping him with the breakdown of his equipment at the end of in-person programs unless asked.
Deborah stated the January-March programs will be presented on Zoom due concerns over health issues. The Program Committee needs a decision on in-person meetings. Deborah stated that doing workshops on Zoom was a long time for someone to be on computer – even for a half of a day, but would relook at the idea if board and committee members felt that option important.
At the Chambray program Linda Carter showed interest in doing a lecture workshop possibly in April or May. She is an international speaker as well as a nurse practitioner. The topic that was discussed for a program she could present was on The Red Book which she has had experience lecturing on in training seminars.
Cathy stated we are not getting the in-person numbers we hoped and suggested that we consider two lecture workshops with a third presentation in the format of a class or panel discussion. Bill added having a conversation between two speakers as a program possibility. Cathy stated she may help with these types of programs. She also suggested we offer classes on basic Jung concepts that would bring more meaning to membership in understanding our more advanced speakers. Pete may be interested in doing a class? Stuart Smith may be interested in doing in-person programs such as a movie night. But movie night programs might be difficult on Zoom. Deb suggested the possibility of doing movie night in summer and Cathy brought up the concerns that our numbers would be low for movie night in-person only events. It was suggested that a link be sent for the movie to be viewed prior to the program discussion as a possibility. Deb thought winter would be a good time to present class(es). Bill suggested we also be more flexible offering in-person events.
Deb added to Bill’s comment on the need for flexibility doing in-person programs based on type programs being presented, the speaker’s choice, and locality of the speaker. Deborah stated also that The Link’s availability as well as other factors also had to be considered and Deborah asked the board and committee members to vote on this issue of being flexible for programs and all members approved with a yes vote.
Roger stated the need to add social time to our in-person events to build the community. Page added that people do come early and Bill suggested providing a light brown bag or catered food option to draw people to come early.
Cathy added that Pete is considering a lecture to begin to spark interest in classes. Another idea to consider getting other Jung Societies to collaborate? Bill brought up the idea of offering recordings of the classes to be made available online.
Deborah stated the only program for 2023 is March with Tina Stromstead as speaker, but had nothing else confirmed. The Program Committee needed to know more information about how the board and committee members wanted to move forward setting up the programs for 2023. The upcoming program projected dates are January 21st, February 18th and March 18th. These dates need to be finalized as soon as possible so CJ can add to his calendar. Cathy stated she needed to get lecture workshop dates for April or May on The Link’s calendar.
Cathy made a motion for two lecture workshops after the winter and a third lecture workshop, panel or class to be determined. The motion was second by Deborah. All board members approved.
There was conversion about speaker possibilities for 2023 and which events will offer CE. Cathrine Meeks has a new book on racial healing and may be a candidate for a future program or possible panel member.
Another lecture possibility – book writer Matthew Quick (Silver Linings Playbook).
Deborah agreed to contact CJ when dates are confirmed for programs.
Bill will bring extra books to the December 17th program for a holiday sale and anyone else who has anything to bring to the holiday sale.
Bill will consider a summer book sale depending how well the December book sale goes.
He’ll get with Mitch as stated above for the sale of t-shirts.
Bill stated as soon he can get the January program dates he will set up the Constant Contact greetings, FaceBook and the Meetup. He will need to get the information early and will be unable to attend the January 21st program.
*Note that to present the February event info at the January 21st event he will need to get all the information ahead of time for the February lecture. Someone will need to give introductory remarks for the president on the January 21st program. If necessary, Bill stated he will do a pre-recorded statement for the program in January. (Subsequently, Roger volunteered to do the intro.)
How to get interest in the Website Community Corner? Per Cathy, CJ has commented that no one looks at anything but the home and event pages. Bill stated that FaceBook is a better place for this type of conversation starter, but is uncertain how many of our people are on Facebook. That a commenting platform is better than having to send out emails. Liam also commented on the possibility of community building on Instagram through the sharing of Images.
What will be needed to bring this conversation forward in 2023?
Deb states that Peggy is still answering the Jung phone line. Vonage will need to be transferred to Bill as president. Bill will need to work with CJ on changing the email to his. Bill said fine as long as someone is answering incoming calls. Deb asked the question if the board felt having a phone line is still necessary. And offered that people still call, especially close to a meeting. There is a need to confirm if Peggy is willing to continue on the Incoming Communications – specifically with the task of answering the Jung Phone Line.
January 29th Time 1PM – 5PM
4:31 PM
Costs for Cambray Workshop
Rent: $495
CEUs: $260.00
CJ in person cost: $208.
CJ admin costs for event: $396
Speaker fee $1500.
Speaker hotel/ meals; $403.60, (excludes post workshop meal)
Speaker airfare: $708.17
Food $25 – Mashid donated most of the food.
Books: $81.85
Did not include our regular operating costs per month Zoom, facebook, computer costs etc
Total Expenses $4077.62
Income Cambray Workshop
Books: $217.80
CEUs $450
Program income; $3070
New memberships: $220
Total Income : $3957.78
Current Operating Balance in Wells Fargo acct.: $23,682.90
January: C Zweig, 143 registered 73 members ,66 non- members, 4 students. 121 signed on, 32 CEUs
Feb: J Kiehl, 80 registered 57 members, 23 non- members, no students 62 people on , 19 CEUs
Mar: Mitch, 111 registered 70 members, 38 non -members, 3 students 18 CEUs
*Apr: Workshop Lisa M: 95 total for both days, 54 members, 39 non- members, 2 students 32 CEUs
Friday: 28 on zoom, 24 in person, Sat: 28 on zoom, 21 in person
May: S Kimbles: 84 registered 60 members, 19 non-members 5 students 15 CEUs
Jun: M Stelzner: 84 registered 46 members, 30 non members 8 students 51 signed on, no CEUs
July: Susan 109 registered 65 members, 36 non members, 8 students, 74 signed on 25 CEUs
Aug: D Tyler 116 registered 72 members ,44 non- members, 6 students 80 signed on 31 CEUs
*Sept; J Gentile: 111 registered 65 members, 43 non- members, 3 students, in person 23, on zoom 46 No CEUs
Oct: T Cheetham: 87 registered 62 members, 19 non members 6 students 46 signed on
*Nov: Workshop Cambray 58 total for both days 39 members, 12 non- members, 7 students 18 CEUs
Friday 53 registered total 16 in person ( plus 9 board members) 24 on zoom
Saturday 34 registered 14 on zoom , 11 in person plus board members