Executive Board Meeting Agenda
October 29, 1:30pm to 4:03
Board Members:
Bill Bridges: President, Publicity, and Marketing, Books & Media
Cathy Shepherd: Treasurer, Affiliate Com Corner., Pres. Emeritus
Roger Rudow: Vice President, Treasurer Committee
Page Dickey: Secretary; CEU Continuing Education Committee
Peggy Sorrells: Incoming Communications, Library
Van Waddy: Writing and Editing Committee
Deborah Huntley: Program Committee
Barbara (Zee) Gilman: Prog. Committee, Affiliate Com. Corner, Hospitality
Kristine Rudow: Program Committee
Liam Gowan: Publicity and Marketing
Deb Herberger: CEU Continuing Education Com, Pres. Emeritus
Karen Hebert: CEU Continuing Education Committee
Mahshid Irvani: Hospitality
ABSENT (Mahshid Irvani )
Vice President’s Opening
Roger offered a beautiful prayer:
“The Blessing of Angels” by John O’Donahue
Committee Reports
Presentation and Acceptance of Last Meeting’s Minutes -August 6, 2023 — Page
Roger moved to accept.
Deb Herberger seconded and there was a unanimous vote to accept them.
Treasury Report — Cathy – see attached
Ann Ulanov was highly attended. We made $4366 on the event and we made $562.93 from Pete Williams’ presentation.
Older speakers request a check to be written. Some speakers have lost their checks and Ann Ulanov gave an incorrect address. We would prefer to send thru bank. Checks take longer and Treas can’t confirm they have cashed it.
Cathy doesn’t see the contract – Zee just sent the address.
Cathy requested $599 instead of $600 so we don’t have to send a 1099.
Roger reported on the CD. Overall account is down due to market but still up for the year. Plan to renew CD again.
IT/Admin Report — Cathy (for CJ)
Cathy spoke with CJ who needs us to register for the rest of the year so we’ll know how many folks we’ll have in person. Hopefully, we won’t be crowded.
He is unavailable June 6th and June 8th because he is traveling. – Programing committee is aware of this and won’t schedule anything.
CE Committee — Deb, Page, Karen
We need to discuss a new way to handle CEs.
We will not need to apply for CEs in Dec, Jan or March.
There are inconsistencies in how each organization handles these.
Karen’s friend Laura Knox and fellow Pacifica Grad works at The Link and is interested in taking on the CE committee
We welcome Laura Knox to the CE committee.
We’re requesting it be announced at next meeting that we are needing more Board members – If anyone is interested in joining the CE committee, has technical expertise, who might be interested in hosting the Meet up for Post event discussions.
We talked about setting up on line CEs for the website for future on demand.
Could also look into Chiron to assist with this in the future.
Laura Knox will be at Pacifica in Nov. and unavailable, but she is available for Dec 2023 event. Karen offered to arrange an early dinner with her before the Dec 2023 to meet with board members.
Promotion and Marketing — Bill
Bill reported that FB, Meet up are put up each for each event and boosts them.
Liam tries to take pictures of the speakers and the event but if he’s unavailable, he asks that someone else take phone pictures and send them to him.
We have over 2,053 Instagram followers now.
Bill shared about how each time you boost something, fake/Spam account users come up.- Liam advised blocking them.
Books — Bill
Not getting new books up. We did sell all E-books from Pete Williams. Bill asked Cathy for another five (5) hard copy versions to have for the Book table.
We need to announce that we have books to sell.
Discussion of virtual events coming up so we won’t need to have their books available.
Still waiting on Kabbalah book recommendations from Mitch to send to Bill so he can put in a link. Also Mitch has a new book: MEN AND GRIEF. Deborah Huntley will ask for him to bring in signed copies to his December 2023 event.
Kristine brought up how the Washington Jung Society has a list of all their past events on it.
Library — Cathy, Peggy
No one has used it in the last 3mos. Reminder that there is a list of authors and books on the website.
Bill suggested we have it open for tours during the lunch break of our next Workshop event (Nov 11, 2023). Peggy offered to be available to do this next month.
Community Corner — Van, Deb
Suggested we always encourage folks at the end of each event to go to the Community Corner if they have comments, questions. Would it have more of an impact if the speaker actually requested attendees go to the Community Corner? If it’s just to like us or post an image – maybe go to Instagram instead.
Question of whether our crowd would use the Community Corner platform.
Social media may be better platform for discussion. Maybe CJ can put up more instruction on how to use it.
Program Committee Report — Deborah, Zee’s email(barbiegilman26@gmail.com), Kristine
Deborah Huntley reported they are working hard to get great speakers. They are trying to honor all our requests for
Presentation for Jan 27, 2024. His books SCRIBES OF SLEEP, – His SPIRITUALITY AND DREAMING book will be coming out in Dec 2023. Kelly Bulkley, Ph.D will be presenting Zoom event on Dream Journals – Dream Institute.
Feb 17, 2024: Jim Hollis will do a 3-4hr workshop like Ann Ulanov on a Saturday. He asked what he lectured about the last two times.
2021 – he spoke on “The Large Forms Rolling Beneath the Surface of our Lives” – lecture. In 2023 he lectured on “Necessary Fictions: Therapy as the Critique of ‘Stories’”. Bill shared about recent podcast James Hollis was on – Chasing Consciousness podcast Oct 14, 2023 – on the Shadow and how to integrate it.
Discussion of how nice it would be to have a list of past speakers, contracts. These lists are part of what needs to be on the archive. Roger, Kristine and Bill are working on setting a spreadsheet up on Google sheets. Kristine has done this for all events in the last year. Roger, Kristine and Bill agreed to expand this from past events as well to add to the Archive. Zoom background was awkward. Size comparison made him look really small. Perhaps bring this gently to his attention. Maybe offer CJ to him.
Mar 22, 2024: Robert Walter will be coming to us from Mexico City & Bradley Olson ( head of the Joseph Campbell Foundation) will be coming to us from AZ. This will be a conversation and not a lecture. It will be a Hybrid. Saturday will only be in person. We’ll be playing his board game around Myth. No Zoom for this event. It will take pretty much all day and then be able to give him feedback. We will be in groups of six(6). We will be creating a group Myth. Because we’re helping him. He is only asking for air fare. Will stay at Cathy’s one night and then a hotel near the airport. They will be going to Big Sur – Esalen to present after our event.
April will be Zoom. May – Hybrid. June, July, August will all be Zoom only.
Sept – Hybrid Lecture workshop.
Page is introducing Linda Carter Nov 2023. Roger is introducing Mitch Cohen in Dec. 2023
Bill agreed to introduce Kelly Bulkley in Jan 2024
Cathy will introduce Jim Hollis in Feb 2024.
Bill will be introducing Bob Walter and Bradley Olsen in March 2024
Other Topics
Nominating Committee – They will have the slate of officers sit at the front and introduce them prior to having members vote Friday night prior to the speaking event.
Kristine will send Page the business meeting to include in the Jan 2024 Board Meeting Minutes.
Deborah Huntley brought up the need to vote on the fees. Do we need to raise fees next year? Cathy raised motion to NOT raise fees. Kristine seconded it and there was a unanimous vote to keep fees the same. Suggested $40, $50 for Hollis since he is all over.
Deb advised Board that she would be needing flexibility in her participation on the Board in coming months due to current personal and family needs, possibly requiring out of town travel.
Wrap Up
We need to set the date for our next board meeting. Next one will be Sunday, Jan 28th, 2024 at Cathy’s house and then we will plan to go to dinner afterwards from a restaurant. 2:00pm-5:00pm
Kristine and Roger will look at perhaps sharing a chart for us. We need a birthdate for the Jung Society. Maybe a date of incorporation?