About CJ

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So far CJ has created 55 blog entries.

March 6, 2022 Meeting Minutes


        JUNG SOCIETY OF ATLANTA BOARD MEETING (VIA ZOOM)               03/06/2022  TIME 1:10 PM - 4:16 PM            Deb Herberger: President, Incoming Communications          Nyambura Kihato: Vice President, Program Committee Cathy Shepherd: Treasurer, Affiliate Com., Pres. Emeritus          Roger Rudow: Treasurer Committee Peggy Sorrells: Incoming Communications and Library     Bruce Selvage: Affiliate Com., Writing and Editing Com.           Van Waddy: Writing and Editing Committee           Deborah Huntley: Program Committee               Barbara (Zee) Gilman: Program Committee, Affiliate                      Committee and Volunteers           Bill Bridges: Website, Publicity, and Marketing, Books &       [...]

March 6, 2022 Meeting Minutes2022-03-14T17:31:13-04:00

Honoring Jutta von Buchholtz


  We want to remember our friend and advisory board member who recently passed. She provided so many engaging lectures, workshops and ideas to our society. She was a native of Germany and came to the United States in the 1960s. Jutta von Buchholtz an L.P.C., received her Ph.D. in Medieval Literature from Vanderbilt, TN; and her Diploma as a Jungian Analyst from the C.G. Jung Institute, Zürich. She was a senior analyst for the IRSJA Memphis/Atlanta and New Orleans seminars. She was especially passionate about myths and fairy tales and how they affected our psyches. We encourage you to leave [...]

Honoring Jutta von Buchholtz2022-03-14T15:12:36-04:00

The Inner Work of Age: Shifting from Role to Soul


Listen To Podcast Here Dr. Connie Zweig, Ph.D., retired Jungian-psychotherapist and author, joins us to discuss her new book, The Inner Work of Age. She extends her well-known work on shadow into midlife and beyond and provides a map for uncovering obstacles to aging consciously. The transition from Hero to Elder, or role to soul, begins with releasing the ego’s identification with doing and reorienting toward the transpersonal center that Jung called the Self. As we let go of outworn personas and roles, harvest the wisdom of our long lives, and break free of unconscious shadows, the Elder’s gift of authenticity [...]

The Inner Work of Age: Shifting from Role to Soul2022-01-20T21:38:04-05:00

Your Winter Landscape


Elizabeth Valera, M.Div., LPC, CT   As I prepare for an upcoming expressive arts group on the theme of Winter, I have been contemplating various archetypal representations of Winter.   As part of my 'research' I rewatched The Rise of the Guardians in which Jack Frost is depicted as a playful and mischievous sprite.  It's such a great reminder about the power of fun and play to overcome fear.  Personally, the movie brought to my mind the excitement of those rare snow days growing up in the Atlanta area.   When I moved up to Boston for graduate school, I got a [...]

Your Winter Landscape2023-05-16T21:05:10-04:00

Violence in Fairy Tales by Donald Kalsched, Ph.D.


Dr. Kalsched's lecture with us revolved around the theme written below. Please share your thoughts on the ATL Jung Society's most recent lecture in the comment section on this page. Today, the violence in Fairy Tales seems mild — even quaint — in comparison with a profusion of terrifying films, horror videos on TV, video games that specialize in killing, and the mind-numbing violence of actual mass-killings in our schools, synagogues and churches. It is as though violence has jumped the tracks — breaking free of its origins in human “stories” — and becoming something truly demonic, senseless, meaningless, and traumatic.  [...]

Violence in Fairy Tales by Donald Kalsched, Ph.D.2023-05-16T21:05:10-04:00

We Have Lost Two Great Poets


James Hollis invites us to read a poem written by a good friend of his, Stephen Dunn. Stephen was an American poet and educator who authored twenty-one collections of poetry. He won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry for his 2001 collection, Different Hours, and received an Academy Award in Literature from the American Academy of Arts and Letters. Stephen was a close friend of Hollis' for half a century. He died on his 82nd birthday in June. John and Mary John and Mary had never met. They were like two humming birds who also had never met. — From a [...]

We Have Lost Two Great Poets2023-05-16T21:05:10-04:00

August 8, 2021-Meeting Minutes


      JUNG SOCIETY OF ATLANTA BOARD MEETING (VIA ZOOM)                          8/8/2021 TIME 1:30 PM – 4:46 PM   Deb Herberger: President, Incoming Communications Nyambura Kihato: Vice President, Program Committee Cathy Shepherd:Treasurer, Website Committee, President Emeritus Peggy Sorrells: Incoming Communications and Library                                             Bruce Selvage: Website, Publicity and Marketing Van Waddy: Writing and Editing Committee Deborah Huntley: Program Committee  Barbara (Zee) Gilman: Program Committee, Website and Volunteers  Bill Bridges: Website, Publicity, and Marketing, Books & Media Liam Gowan: Publicity and Marketing Mahshid Irvani: Hospitality Kristine Rudow: Secretary Karen [...]

August 8, 2021-Meeting Minutes2021-12-22T22:53:52-05:00

May 23, 2021-Meeting Minutes


JUNG SOCIETY OF ATLANTA BOARD MEETING (VIA ZOOM)                      5/23/2021 TIME 2:10 PM – 5:03 PM                               Deb Herberger: President, Incoming Communications, Treasury Committee Nyambura Kihato: Vice President, Program Committee Cathy Shepherd:Treasurer and President Emeritus Roger Rudow: Treasury Committee Peggy Sorrells: Incoming Communications and Library                        Bruce Selvage: Writer’s Corner, Collaborative Events Van Waddy: Writing and Editing Committee Deborah Huntley: Program Committee  Barbara (Zee) Gilman: Program Committee, and Volunteers  Bill Bridges: Website, Publicity, and Marketing, Books & Media Liam Gowan: Publicity and Marketing Mahshid Irvani: Hospitality Kristine Rudow: Secretary  CJ Johnson - IT Administrator Absent:  Bill Bridges, Mahshid Irvani   [...]

May 23, 2021-Meeting Minutes2021-12-22T22:59:44-05:00

The Large Forms Rolling Beneath the Surface of Our Lives


James Hollis's recent lecture with us explored the themes below. Our personal stories are part of a much larger story. Jung’s articulation of a triune psyche: the conscious sphere, the personal unconscious, and the collective unconscious reframes each of our very unique stories with those of our species, and with the timeless, formative energies which generate our desires, our patterns, and our cultures. Examples of this timeless, archetypal image formation will be illustrated and questions raised about the subtle relationship between the individual and the universal, the time-bound and the immortal. Please comment with your thoughts about the lecture and examples [...]

The Large Forms Rolling Beneath the Surface of Our Lives2022-01-12T19:49:27-05:00

Living in the Fire: Managing and Making Sense of Life-Changing Tragedies, Illness, and Catastrophes


As a community, we gain strength and wisdom from sharing one another’s experience of loss and hardship. In light of Jerry Ruhl’s lecture this month, Living In the Fire, we invite those of you who have experienced your own deep, sometimes paralyzing, loss and emotional pain, to share a few words with us about how you have coped with and grown from those life losses. Leave these thoughts or other comments in response to Jerry’s lecture in the space provided below.    Thank you for your ongoing participation in our Jungian Community.

Living in the Fire: Managing and Making Sense of Life-Changing Tragedies, Illness, and Catastrophes2023-05-16T21:05:10-04:00


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